GameStar 2004 April
MilkShape 3D
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Creating your own Black & White models with MilkShape
(c) 2001 DragonZap, dragonzap1@aol.com
Creating your own meshes for use with Black & White is a fairly simple matter.
In the case of the MilkShape plug-ins that I've written, you simply import
the skeleton and maybe the mesh, make the changes you want, and export the new
L3D file using the skeleton from the original L3D file. Then you replace the
model or models in your "Data\CreatureMesh" directory in your Black & White
installation folder and you're done.
While that outlines the basic idea of how to create new models, there are
some things you will have to be careful about as you go around making new
models. Thus, I will go into further detail on the B&W model replacement
Step 1: Import the skeleton and maybe the mesh, and generate a .BWC script
The first step in creating a new model for Black & White using the MilkShape
plug-ins is to import the skeleton. As of this writing, you cannot create your
own skeletons or animations, so you must use an existing one.
To do this from MilkShape, open the "File" menu, go down to "Import", and
select "Black & White L3D". (This assumes you have already installed the
files necessary for the L3D plug-ins. If you don't see "Black & White L3D",
refer back to msL3DTools.txt, included with the plug-ins. If you followed
the installation instructions there and still don't see it, send me an
e-mail at dragonzap1@aol.com)
Depending on which model you wish to replace, you may select any of the L3D
files associated with it to retrieve a skeleton from, such as the
good/neutral/evil models for creatures, or any of the three hand models if you
This will be necessary later on.
Once you select a file to import, an options dialog will appear with a list
of possible settings to use when importing the L3D file. For our purposes,
we will want to leave the skeleton selection on its default setting
("Import skeleton without rotation information...") and leave the
"Clear all before import" option checked.
At this point, you will need to decide whether you want to create a completely
new model, or make some changes to the one you're importing. If you want to
create a new model, then you will want to uncheck "Import Mesh", and probably
also want to uncheck "Extract textures to external files" if you intend to
make your own skin to accompany the model you're creating. On the other hand,
if you wish to make a modification to an existing model so that your new
model's morph targets will work with the originals, you will want to make sure
both "Import Mesh" and "Insert extra triangles to preserve morph targets" are
checked off. Currently you MUST do this if you wish to replace any of the
hand models, as the game tends to freeze if you try to make your own hand
model from scratch (I'm assuming there's some hand models somewhere that I did
not replace when I tried it).
The import plug-in, by default, chooses some texture filenames automatically
when it goes to extract the textures from the L3D file, but if you want to,
you can choose alternate filenames by selecting the appropriate texture ID
in the listbox and clicking the "Select Texture File" or
"Select Alpha Texture File" buttons. Textures are currently exported in
.BMP format.
You will also want to generate a .BWC script. BWC files are a custom format
that go along with the MilkShape plug-ins, and are used for putting some of
the information in the .CBN files into human-readable form. They are text
files, and as such can be edited with your favorite text editor. To make
a .BWC script, check off the "Extract CBN info from..." box, and select
a .CBN file in the first edit field. If you have not already chosen a .BWC
filename, one will be chosen for you. Otherwise, you can select one
Once you select all your options, click "Ok" and if all goes well, the
skeleton (and mesh, if you imported it) should appear in MilkShape's view
Step 2: Making the new mesh
The details of actually making a model with MilkShape are beyond the scope of
this tutorial, but there are plenty of MilkShape tutorials out there on the
Internet that can cover this topic. However, when making a model for
Black & White, there are a few things you need to be aware of:
First, do not move the bones around in any way. If you do, the changes will
not be reflected when you go to export your model, and it will animate
strangely in game. Secondly, do not do anything that changes the order of the
bones. You should be able to rename them with no problem, but if you add or
delete bones, you may screw up the algorithm that decides how to properly
match them up with the skeletons from existing files.
Secondly, if you chose to import the mesh and preserve the morph targets,
do not do ANYTHING that modifies the number of triangles or vertices. Do not
weld them together, do not subdivide them, do not reassign their bones, do not
do anything except move them around and change their textures and texture
coordinates. If you don't follow this advice and you save your changes, you
will have to either start over, or settle for replacing all models of a given
type (seven for creature models, or three for the hand model). Also, if you
already made a model based off an original with an older version of the
plug-ins, I'm sorry, but it won't work with the originals unless you re-make
On the other hand, if you chose to make a completely new mesh, you will need to
assign each vertex to one of the many bones in the imported skeletons. Which
bones they are assigned to is an artistic matter and entirely up to you.
If you're not sure how to assign bones, look for a MilkShape tutorial.
If you decide to replace textures, (also known as skins) make sure the images
are 256x256 pixels; no more, no less. The exporter will accept abnormally-sized
textures, but they will be resized as needed, and tend to not look as good
in-game. Also, textures will be quantized to 16 shades of red/green/blue and
16 alpha values if you choose to use an alpha channel. 4096 colors
(16 * 16 * 16 = 4096) is generally enough for most everyone's purposes.
Texture files can be in any format supported by the FreeImage library,
(generally, if you can see it properly in MilkShape, it should work with the
exporter) but for compatibility purposes it's probably best to stick to .BMP or
.TGA files.
From what I've read, Black & White's engine will determine bruise positions
automatically, but for it to do this properly, you will need to make sure that
no polygons on your UV texture map overlap. This means you cannot re-use any
part of your texture on more than one part of your model.
Step 3: Exporting your new model
Once you've made the changes and such that you desire, it's time to export
your L3D file. Go to the "File" menu in MilkShape, open the "Export" submenu,
and select "Black & White L3D". (Again, this assumes you've properly installed
the plug-in files.) Select a file name to export to (do NOT overwrite the
model you got the skeleton from, as you will need it) and you will be presented
with an options dialog. The options for exporting are fewer than those for
importing, but still just as important.
If you are replacing a fat/thin/strong/weak model for a creature, you will
want to make sure "Export textures" is NOT checked off. For all other purposes,
it's probably best to leave it enabled.
If you previously chose to modify an existing mesh instead of creating a
completely new one, you will want to make sure
"Preserve morph targets from imported model" is checked off. If you don't,
your model will not work properly with the others in-game, and you will have to
replace all the models from the set. Otherwise, leave that option unchecked.
Lastly, you will want to check off "Use existing skeleton from:" and click on
the "..." button to select the original L3D file from which you got your
skeleton from. This is very important -- you will ALWAYS need to do this to
create a model that will work in-game. Also, due to some problems with texture
filenames in MilkShape, this model should be in the same directory as your
texture files, or the textures may not be exported properly.
If you only want to change the skins of a model, and not the model itself,
you can check off "Only replace textures" to tell the plug-in not to replace
any other information.
Once everything is set, click "OK" to export your model.
At this point, you may create other morph target versions of your model by
moving vertices around and altering the textures, and exporting them exactly
as you did with the first one. Morph targets are how Black & White blends
models together to give each one a unique shape, such as a spiky, menacing
sort of look for evil models, or a soft, cuddly look for good models.
Also, remember that you don't need to export textures for fat/thin/strong/weak
models. If you have to replace all the models of a specific type (either a
creature or the hand) but you're feeling lazy, you can just copy your first
model several times over rather than making new morph target versions.
Step 4: Modifying the .BWC script
Chances are you will want to make a new CBN file to go along with your custom
mesh. Using a .CBN file properly means that end users will only have to replace
the .CBN files in their directories, and do not have to overwrite existing
.L3D files. See the included BWC_Commands.txt for more information on the
available .BWC script commands. When you're ready, load your base model into
MilkShape, and then under the "Tools" menu, select
"Compile Black & White BWC Script". From there, you will be prompted to select
the .BWC file which will be used to create your .CBN file, and also the
base .L3D file that goes along with the model you currently have loaded.
You will also need to select a base .CBN file to use as a template similar
to what was necessary when exporting the .L3D files, as I don't yet understand
all of the fields in .CBN files. Lastly, you will need to select the filename
of your new .CBN file. (Do NOT make it the same as your base .CBN file or
bad things will happen.)
If the .BWC script has any errors, the plug-in will let you know what line
and what went wrong.
Step 5: Getting the model in the game
To get your model or models into the game, you will have to copy them to the
"Data\CreatureMesh" directory, or wherever it was you found the original
model that you got the skeleton from. It used to be that you had to overwrite
the originals. This is NO LONGER TRUE for .L3D files, assuming that you changed
the filenames in your .BWC script. However, it's probably a good idea to back
up your original .CBN and model files first anyway so that you don't have to
re-install the game if you mess up.
If you chose to create a new .CBN file, you will have to copy that to the
"Data\CTR" directory, and in that case you WILL need to overwrite the .CBN
file of whatever creature you used as a base. (It should also be possible to
replace the .CBN file of any creature.)
When you export a new model, you will need to create a total of 7 model files.
Let's take the cow model as an example. If I made a completely new cow model,
I would have to make new versions of the following files:
The first three would need textures, while the last four would not. On the
other hand, if I only tweaked the cow mesh and made sure to preserve the
morph targets correctly, I would only need to make new versions of the model
or models that I changed.
If you did everything correctly, then once you start the game, you should
have your new model, which uses all the animations of the old one. You may
notice that the eyes and/or hair or tail are not in the correct positions.
Right now there's not much I can do about this, as I'm still not sure how
Black & White determines eyeball positions or hair positions. You just have
to sort of live with it for now. Remember that it's all still beta.
Additionally, if you chose to modify an existing mesh rather than create
your own, there may be some shading problems on texture boundaries, even
if the normals are properly set up on the model.
This should not occur with meshes made from scratch.
Send questions/comments/bug reports to dragonzap1@aol.com. English only,
please, as that's the only language I know.